Saturday, November 28, 2009

Haven't We Been Here Before?

Yesterday I was off work and was going to take my Mom to the movies. I bought my hometown newspaper to see where the movie she wanted to see was playing. Unfortunately, that film wasn't playing at a nearby theater so we didn't get to go, but all was not lost. On the front of the newspaper was the announcement that the Obama administration wants Congress to draft a "jobs bill" and have it ready for Obama to sign in January. Excuse me, but haven't we been here before?

I distinctly remember that less than a year ago Obama scared the American people into supporting his gazillion dollar stimulus package. Wasn't that supposed to have been a jobs bill? I mean, wasn't the stimulus supposed to stimulate the economy, prevent unemployment from going above 8%, and save or create millions of jobs? Well, wasn't it?

The first stimulus or "economic recovery" bill didn't work. Billions of taxpayer dollars were spent and unemployment is now above 10%...and 2010 prospects for many Dems look bleak. No wonder Obama felt compelled to act. He'll do anything for victory for his party (but not his country); plus, this gives Obama the chance to launch a second stimulus package by calling it a "jobs bill". The first "stimulus" didn't stimulate, so Obama seeks to fix that by spending more money! And like with the first "economic recovery" act and like with health care reform, Obama wants this jobs bill pushed through Congress lightning fast, before the American people have a chance to know what hit them.

Barack Obama promised change but his modus operandi never changes. His "solution" to everything is to spend money like a drunken sailor and then, when that doesn't work, to spend even more money. The guy doesn't know how to do anything but spend money...and paint pictures of apocalyptic doom to scare us into supporting his fiscal irresponsibility. I ask again, haven't we been here before? Yes, America, we have. And the only way to ensure that we don't go there again is to oust the whole Dem/lib lot in 2010 and 2012. That's our real hope and our real change.


Robert "the infidel" Garding said...

You are so right my friend. We HAVE BEEN THERE BEFORE...and sadly under Obama. He is acting way below his IQ level to think the American people will not remember that. I just hope I am not placing too much confidence in them on this....cause I think they will remember....and let Obama know.

Seane-Anna said...

I hope the American people remember, Robert, and not continue to fall for the Big O's flowery rhetoric.

Skunkfeathers said...

I, personally, am amused how Barry's jobs creation works, according to the White House: millions, billions of stimulus dollars go to create/save jobs in state congressional districts that don't exist. I reckon a lot of that money went to the other 7 states, outside the 50, that Barry said he went to during the campaign.

How's that hope and change workin' for those of you inside the real 50, eh?

Tom said...

Spending our way out of debt - a typical Liberal smoke and mirrors tactic. Wonder what the unemployment rate will be after being stimulated...

Roadhouse said...

Thanks for the quote highlight on your blog. Great post on the whole "jobs bill" thing too.