Sunday, November 22, 2009

Louisiana Purchase

Yesterday the Senate voted for cloture, i.e. to allow debate on its version of health care "reform". The vote was 60-39 and was pretty much along party lines, although there were a few moderate Dems whose vote was up for grabs. One of those Dems was Mary Landrieu of Louisiana. She was straddling the fence until the Senate threw her a $100,000,000 bone. That's right. Landrieu was given, in the Senate bill itself, $100,000,000 worth of tax breaks for her state of Louisiana, and only for Louisiana. To my knowledge no other state was given such a break. Talk about political prostitution.

I knew the far-left Dems were willing to do anything to pass their monstrosity of a bill, but this takes the proverial cake. Ignoring the will of the American people; ignoring fiscal responsibility; ignoring the Constitution which no where gives the federal government the authority to control health care; ignoring all that the arrogant, paternalistic socialists in the Senate are shoving socialized medicine down our throats, and using taxpayer money to bribe an unprincipled fence sitter to join them.

Mary Landrieu is a bought woman and an unprincipled mercenary. She voted solely for money and what she hopes it got her: another term as a Senator from Louisiana. Apparently, she's hoping that Louisiana residents will give her credit for the tax breaks and vote her back into office next year. I think Landrieu may have underestimated her constituents. The American people, even in Louisiana, are angry not only about Obamacare but also about the arrogance of condescending politicians who treat them like rebellious children who don't know what's best for themselves.

Well, we are NOT children. We DO know what's best for us. We know what we don't want and why. We know that bankrupting the nation is BAD policy. We know that robbing from our grandchildren is BAD policy. We know that "reforming" a system most Americans are satisfied with is BAD policy. And we know an unprincipled, bribe taking, political whore when we see one. And we don't like ANY of it!

Mary Landrieu thinks she has saved her cushy Senate seat by succumbing to bribery. She's wrong. 2010 is going to be a blood bath for the Dems, beginning with dear Mary. If it's not, it'll be a very bad thing for America. We'll have to start learning Chinese because they will be our new masters, owning the debt we've driven through the roof in the name of faux compassion. I wouldn't be surprised if that was the kind of change Obama planned all along, and was willing to pay Landrieu a pretty penny to get. Louisiana Purchase, indeed!


Tom said...

Unfortunately, that's how politics has been done for years. I still remember watching "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington" and thinking that nothing has changed except the price tag.

Skunkfeathers said...

The libtards will sell out their own mamas to get their marxist ideals in place. Sadly, so will some RINOs, to go along with them.

Clean HOUSE (as in the US House) in '10. Vote out every Dem, and any RINOs.

WomanHonorThyself said...

what a travesty this is !

Tapline said...

Seane,,,Great post....Change they wanted Change they got....Now we all suffer....Every last one of those socialist should be thrown out of office...Why hasn't these constitutional Issues been challanged to the Black Robes???Certainly they have a dog in this fight. The "demo's did it to Bush so what's good for the goose is also good for the gander....stay well....

Skunkfeathers said...

I'm shocked that SA's favorite libtard fan Janeycakes hasn't been here to defend the marxist makeover that'll dilute hellthcare to a third world country within a generation.