Wednesday, November 30, 2005

I Got a Job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!*

I got a job!!!!!! Yep, I'm officially no longer one of the unemployed. For those just arriving at my blog, I was fired from my last job in August. I worked part-time for one of my best friends in her antique store until she couldn't afford to pay me anymore. Starting on Oct. 28, I was totally unemployed, no full or part-time job, until today! My new job is at a day care center, so I won't need to edit my profile where it says occupation. I'm starting out at $7 p/hr, which is pretty good for day care, and I start tomorrow. I'm so excited! I was getting really bored not having anything to do all day and, of course, I need the money. The only thing I regret is that having a job will cut down on the time I'll have for blogging. I'm thinking I'll just have to do most of my blogging in the early morning hours, since I don't have to be at work until 11am. The hours, 11am to 6:30pm, are the only things I don't like about the job itself, but I can handle it.

One more thing. I hate to ask, but if you can spare it, I really need my blogging friends to put a little something in my tip jar. Just because I have a job now doesn't mean I have money now. I have all of $15 to last me until I get my first check, and when I get that check it'll have to get immediately for rent, so I won't have anything left for electricity, food, etc. So if you can give anything, please do. It will be greatly appreciated. And while we're talking about money, has anyone used Google Adsense? I've been thinking about signing up for it since it's free, but I'm worried about how the ads will look on my blog--I don't want them taking up my link field--and I was wondering if it really works. I mean, no matter how pretty the ads might look on my template, they won't do me a bit of good if they don't make any money! Anyone out there who's used or is using Google Adsense, write a comment telling me how it's going. I want the bad info as well as the good; that's the only way I can make a wise decision.

Well, it's time for bed. Past time, actually. I just wanted to tell the blogosphere I'm a taxpayer again. And even though I've paid into the public trough, I'm proud to say that I never took any public assistance while I wasn't working. No food stamps, no rent help, no nothing! That's the essence of the conservatism I espouse. People, not government, should help people. Anyway, I really need to go to sleep. I have a big day tomorrow, and I don't want to be late!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well I hope your job is going well. I am writing to you about the google ads. I had them on my blog for about a year. I made 0.00 .
HEY, I look at it this way at least I don't owe any tax on it LOL. I took them off about three weeks ago. www.godHELPmeSELLmyHOME.COM