Monday, March 01, 2010


Hey everyone. I know it's been a long time since my last post. I don't know what's going on with me but I've just been having the blogging blahs lately. It's not like there hasn't been anything to post about. The same old libtard idiocy is still out there, but I think that's part of the problem. It's the same old libtard idiocy. Sometimes it feels like I can write about that stuff only so much before it becomes mind numbing. I mean, when is the idiocy going to stop? Sometimes it seems like never.

I look out across this country that I love. I see the Tea Parties getting stronger. I see Republicans winning elections they weren't expected to. I see polls saying twice as many Americans identify themselves as conservative rather than liberal. I see other polls showing the majority of Americans describe themselves as pro-life. I see all that yet I'm not giddy like, say, Sean Hannity is about the resurgence of "conservatism".

Yes, I was thrilled about Scott Brown's victory in Massachusetts a few weeks ago. A Republican winning Teddy Kennedy's old seat was almost miraculous. My enthusiasm for Brown has cooled, though, since learning he's not a true social conservative. And I've been wondering if that's going to be the case with all the other Republican candidates this year. Will they be people committed only to conservative economics but not to conservative values? Fiscal responsibility is very important, but if that becomes all that conservatism is about, if conservatism is gutted of its soul, then I can't get enthusiastic about that.

It remains to be seen what kind of "conservatism" will emerge from the current anger at and disgust with Washington. If what emerges is a movement that is as contemptuous of traditional values and the people who hold them as social liberalism is then it'll be a movement I can't support. I'll be forced to find a new ideological home. I won't be a conservative anymore.

No wonder I have the blahs.


Roadhouse said...

Parties are expendable, your core beliefs are not. Don't give up on conservatism just because our leaders might.

Anonymous said...

I was just goiong to say just what Roadhouse did. But he beat me to it. What he said is so true. YOUR CORE BELIEFS are not expendable. Don't give up. Things were bad when Reagan showed up on the scene. We can always keep hope. There are true Conservatives out there. I know one here in Indiana. Mike Pence from what I have been able to gleen out of him. And another that seems promising is our governor, Mitch Daniels. Sarah Palin. They are out there. Don't give up hope.

Skunkfeathers said...

Don't be surprised by a Republican in Massachusetts not being a true conservative; think Mitt Romney, and 'nuff said there.

I echo what the other two said here.

Tapline said...

Seane Anne, Great Post, you put into words what I have been feeling for quite some time. I look a t McCain and look at who is still backing him and see his platform and still hate what he seems to stand for Open borders,,,,bankrupting the United States by illegals who don't want to be citizens otherwise why not English only as our official language....Global warming after all the faulty and fraudulent information coming forward.....He's still pushing it along with his buddy on Carbon footprints,s..T. It;s enough to get anyone upset....Then the model from Mass. We will see how that all flushes out. My representatives in maine are awful....I don't know who they represent.....They are both from on High, or outer space, you pick..stay well........

Seane-Anna said...

Hey Roadie, Robert, Skunky, and Tap! Thanks for the encouraging words from all of you. I won't give up my core beliefs, I just fear what will happen to our society if conservatism loses its core beliefs, its SOUL. If that happens, all is lost. We have to keep that from happening.

Skunkfeathers said...

The best way to keep your soul and core beliefs, is to simply keep them, and not become a fad-following Janeycakes, selling out to every fraudulent, intellectually bankrupt libtard notion.

JMK said...

Everything ebbs and flows Seane-Anna. You're doing a great job of "rolling with the punches," life throws at us all.

You have a keen eye and you express your views well.

It's OK to write a lot when the mood strikes and very little when it doesn't and you need some rest and self time.