Sunday, March 07, 2010

Some Facts On Health Care "Reform"

This video was placed on YouTube back in August but what it reveals about what's really involved in health care "reform" is most certainly still a part of the bill that Obama wants passed today. Take a little look at what the government has planned for you. This is some unsettling stuff.


Skunkfeathers said...

The simple answers to what Barry and his marxist sycophants want is: command and control, and the dependency on him of the masses.

He wants what's worked so well with his dumbed-down Left, extended across the spectrum.

It won't work; his marxism is a piss poor sell with the broader American, freedom-loving electorate.

Of course, Janeycakes will eat up his marxism, but see my earlier about the dumbed-down Left.

Anonymous said...

this is great that you did this.....we need to get out all the information on what is going on as possible. I posted to my blog too.

Anonymous said...

this is great that you did this.....we need to get out all the information on what is going on as possible. I posted to my blog too.