Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Predators and Traitors

Peace activists are anti-military. No matter how much they claim otherwise, these people hate our troops and the country they fight for. I was reminded of this just yesterday while listening to the radio.

I was driving my Mom to the store when Michael Medved's talk show came on. His guest was a representative of the "anti-war" group Code Pink (CP). Unfortunately, I don't remember the woman's name, but her words are unforgettable. This woman admitted that she and Code Pink, who were trying to close a Marine recruiting office in Berkeley, CA, called our troops predators and traitors. That's right, predators and traitors. That's what the peace crowd thinks of our soldiers.

Michael Medved asked this sorry excuse for an American why she and CP would call our military such names. This woman claimed that the military recruiters were predators because they were going after Berkeley's "vulnerable youth", and that they were traitors because they'd betrayed the trust of said youth by not telling them the whole story about military service. I'm not sure what this woman meant by the "whole story". It's no secret that the military fights wars and that in war people get injured and killed. Young people who are or might be considering joining the armed forces already know that. So where's the betrayal of trust?

Of course, this isn't the first time liberals have shown their hatred for America's finest. "Anti-war" protestors in Oregon--I believe it was Oregon--burned an American soldier in effigy. Brian de Palma has made a movie protraying our troops in Iraq as a bunch of raping, murdering thugs. Cindy Sheehan referred to our boys, including her own son Casey, as murderers. Rosie O'Donnell insinuated that our troops are terrorists who've killed nearly a million Iraqis. Susan Sarandon and her lover Tim Robbins made similar accusations. And let's not forget the entire city of San Francisco which has banned ROTC from its schools, denied the USS Iowa the right to dock at its port, and prevented the Marines from filming a recruiting commercial there. But they support the troops, the peaceniks say. Don't you believe it!

Believe what these people say and do when they're on their home turf. Believe what they say and do when they're among like-minded folks who won't question them. Believe what they say and do when they're caught up in the sanctimonious moment of "marching for peace". But don't ever believe them when they say they love our troops. They hate our troops. Remember, they called them predators and traitors. You can't get more hateful than that. Believe me.


JMK said...

The U.S. military has a specific purpose to fight wars to (A) protect us from foreign enemies and (B) to protect and preserve our vital interests abroad (our embassies, the investments of U.S. companies and our allies). It is NOT, contrary to what misguided Leftists seem to think a "peace-keeping" force or a "humanitarian organization." It does far more good than any of the so-called "peace-keeping forces" or any "humanitarian organizations."

The "peace activists" (surrender-stooges) like to call (B) - "Oil & Israel," which shows how completely misguided they are.

OIL is certainly a vital American interest, that is, "the free flow of oil at market prices," and Israel, like England, the UAE, Japan, Canada, Australia, to name but a few is an allie of the U.S.

These "peace activists" are NOT anti-violence...not at all.

They have no problem with thuggish Third World dictators from Chavez to Mugabe, but what they do distinctly have a problem with is the idea that some things are worth fighting, and KILLING for....things like LIBERTY.

There is no more noble purpose than the U.S. military's stated mission above, and there is no greater calumny or cowardice than denigrating it from under the umbrella of protections it provides.

WomanHonorThyself said...

This woman claimed that the military recruiters were predators because they were going after Berkeley's "vulnerable youth", and that they were traitors because they'd betrayed the trust of said youth by not telling them the whole story about military service....Amen!...well said and so accurate !..they are tools and haters disguised as patriotic..pfttt!

WomanHonorThyself said...

added u to my blogroll too~!:)

Seane-Anna said...

Thanks, Angel!