Friday, August 05, 2005

Tired. Very tired. I almost didn't post anything tonight because I'm so tired. Of course, I should be tired after chasing around 10 toddlers and infants all day. But I decided to post to give people something to read besides just my first post; to show I'm serious about keeping this blog going. And also, I want to train my brain to stay in writing mode. I want to be a serious writer, a real author, someday, but I have really bad writer's block. Or maybe it's just scattered brain syndrome. Well, what ever you call it, I've got it. It's so hard to keep my mind focused on the task at hand. I believe if I write everyday on this blog it will teach my mind the discipline it needs to write well. But again, I'm so tired, it's hard to think. So this will be a short post. In fact, this is it. I'm going to take a quick bath, go to bed, and face all those demanding toddlers all over again tomorrow. Wish me luck!

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