Wednesday, August 03, 2005

Hello out there! This is PoorGrrl, and this is my first post on my first blog. You'll be hearing alot from me and learning about me as time goes on, and I hope you like what you see because I hope it will move at least some of you in bloggerland to help me. You see, I didn't start this blog just to share my thoughts with the world. I started it firstly to ask for help. Yes, I have to swallow my pride and ask for financial help on the 'net. I have a little page on the site that this first post is titled for and I need people to read it and donate. I don't want people donating gazillions of dollars at once. No, I know times are hard for us all. Rather, I'd like people to give just a dollar or two. If many people see my page and donate, a dollar or two will add up. I only need about $500-600 to get caught up on my bills. Surely 500-600 people can make it to my page from the millions who read blogs. If you're curious enough to look up my page, go to, click on Site Listings, scroll down about 20 or so site titles till you get to PleaseHelp, that'll be me! I really do need some caring people to offer me a little helping hand. I'm not a bum who doesn't work. I work hard every day caring for other people's children. I bring home a paycheck, it just not enough right now. I guess you could say I'm the face of the working poor. And I don't want your donation for nothing, either. My blog will be your "reward" for donating. If you like what you read here;if you think it's really, really, cool;if it makes you mad;if it makes you sad; above all, if it makes you think, then I will have done my job well by you. So take a step into the PoorGrrl Zone, I think you'll be glad you did! Ciao! PoorGrrl (Oh, one more thing. My page on was posted on July 24, so the info's a bit dated. I still need help because August's rent is due(I've paid only about half of it) and I've only gotten one donation so far. Also, time is an issue. Saturday, August 6 is the last day you can pay rent at my apt. complex before late fees kick in, so please, anyone out there who wants to help, please hurry! Thanks!)

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