Tuesday, November 06, 2007

Question On My Mind

This one is for liberals. If poverty causes terrorism, as many libs assert, then please tell me where are all the Haitian suicide bombers?


WomanHonorThyself said...

good one girl!..luv it!..and ty for all your support!

Seane-Anna said...

And thank you, Angel, for reading my humble little blog. I really appreciate you and my other blogging buddies stopping by!

WomanHonorThyself said...

my pleasure!:)

Eric said...

If poverty caused terrorism, then why is Osama who is a millionaire also a terrorist?

Seane-Anna said...

Good one too, Eric! Don't hold your breath waiting for an answer.

Anonymous said...

Great one girl. I hadn't thought about that one. Keep up the good fight.....


JMK said...

This is the fallacy of "poverty CAUSING violence."

Liberals tend to see criminals as "victims of society," which in effect makes the other 99% of the poor people, who aren't criminals, "chumps," in their view.

BUT, if poverty CAUSED violence or violent crime, then why do wealthy, industrialized nations often have more violent crime than poorer ones.

Why was there LESS violent crime during the Great Depression than during the roaring 1980s, or for that matter, during the 1920s?

In FACT, today's terrorism is almost ALL the result of a cultish version of a major religion, and that makes Liberals a little queasy, as it targets one group (Arab/Muslims) as "worse than," or "more violent than" others.

That's why they ignore what Eric said about OBL being very wealthy, or that virtually all of the 19 hijackers on 9/11 were well-educated, more Westernized and more prosperous than their contemporary Arab/Muslims back in the Mideast.

The short answer is that POVERY does NOT cause violence OR terrorism.

In fact, it can better be argued, as Walter E Williams has, that violence itself causes poverty!