I'm sure everyone has seen and/or heard about the (possibly fake) video showing a Marine tossing a puppy over a cliff in Iraq. I first heard about this a couple of days ago while watching CNN. The Marines are investigating to see if the video is real and have condemned it whether it's real or not. Bravo to the Marines, but they are wasting their time. No amount of condemnation from the Corps will satisfy the crazed army of global America haters. And that's what pisses me off.
I've seen the puppy throwing video. It's disturbing, real or not; but the reaction to it from people around the world is even worse. The identity of the puppy tossing Marine has been revealed and not only has he received death threats but his family has, too. People have called for him to be tortured, thrown off a cliff, disfigured with acid, and otherwise treated VERY BADLY. "Anti-war" activists have seized upon this incident the way they seized upon the non-massacre at Haditha to smear our troops. One comment that stands out in my mind reads, "This is why people hate America". And of course Bush is to blame. Gag me!
Where was this outpouring of outrage when Nicholas Berg was beheaded? When Daniel Pearl was beheaded? When the London subway was bombed? When 3000 Americans were slaughtered on 9/11? A puppy apparently gets tossed to its death by an American soldier and the world goes bonkers but human beings get sliced and diced by Muslim crazies and it's greeted with a yawn. Killing a puppy justifies maniacal hatred of America but decapitations and suicide bombings don't justify hatred of Muslims. People, this is the upside down world we live in. This is the perversion political correctness has brought us.
If this video proves to be authentic then the Marine in it should be punished. But even if it's real we shouldn't apologize too much if at all. Our apologies and efforts to redress wrongs are NEVER appreciated by anyone, not even our friends. Instead they are seen as weaknesses and are used against us by our enemies. Our jihadist foes rejoice in our deaths and offer no repentance for slaugtering us like cattle. Therefore, we must stop our hand wringing over every little mistake we make and instead concentrate on obliterating the Islamofascists as thoroughly as we obliterated the Nazis and the Japanese during World War II. After all, destroying your nemesis is how you win wars and this is one war we can't afford to lose.
"If this video proves to be authentic then the Marine in it should be punished. But even if it's real we shouldn't apologize too much if at all. Our apologies and efforts to redress wrongs are NEVER appreciated by anyone, not even our friends. Instead they are seen as weaknesses and are used against us by our enemies." (Seane-Anna)
100% RIGHT!
There's no need for Americans NOR its Military to apologize for the actions of some fellow Americans who may get overwhelmed and caught up in the savagry of our jihadist enemies.
IN FACT, decent people should sympathize with those few American soldiers so afflicted.
I've said this many times and I'm more convinced of it than ever, many passionate animal-lovers are vile, dysfunctional people-haters!
And as for all those "America-haters," those folks deserve a first class stoning - bury'em up to their waists, cover'em with a sheet and stone'em until there's only a pile a goo underneath that sheet.
Seriously! There must be a price extracted for espousing such a misguided hatred.
"...many passionate animal-lovers are vile, dysfunctional people-haters!" So, so TRUE, JMK!!!! And as for stoning the America haters, hell yeah! If they can decapitate one of us online with no more qualms than it takes to step on a roach we shouldn't be shy about throwing rocks at them "until there's only a pile a goo underneath that sheet". Rock on!!!!
it's not that they are upset that a puppy MAY have been killed, it's that they are upset that a puppy MAY have been killed by an american. they believe that anyone who wear's the uniform of a u.s. soldier is a hypocrite if they do anything wrong.
non-believers try to say the same thing about christians and seek to find a christian making a mistake. somehow they seem to think it justifies the horrors that they commit.
great post, seane-anna.
"it's not that they are upset that a puppy MAY have been killed, it's that they are upset that a puppy MAY have been killed by an american." Spot on, Heidianne!
If this had been a video of a Muslim throwing a puppy off a cliff we'd be getting lectures about how that's just their culture. The anti-American bigots look for any justification for their hatred. We must ignore them and get on with the job of saving the world, again. Soldier on, America!
"...many passionate animal-lovers are vile, dysfunctional people-haters!" So, so TRUE, JMK!!!! And as for stoning the America haters, hell yeah! If they can decapitate one of us online with no more qualms than it takes to step on a roach..." (Seana-Anna)
It IS sad that so many Americans are so willing to support their country's enemies during a war no less...and YES, I've noticed that many of the more passionate animal-lovers tend to be people-haters.
I don't mean people who love their pets, I mean people who anthropomorphize animals and say insane things like, "Animals make better friends than people."
Yeah, I'd guess they do when you're a completely dysfunctional person around other humans.
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