I'm going to the carnival!
My sister's school is having it's Halloween carnival tomorrow(Friday) and I can't wait to go. I'm so excited! I know, it might seem a little weird getting all worked up over an elementary school carnival, but I'll be spending time with my sister, and that's why I'm looking forward to it so much.
As you've probably guessed, I love my sister very much. We've been close since childhood. I could always talk to her about anything, and she always accepted me, giving me unconditional love like our mother should have. And she gave me "my" only child, my nephew, who's as much my child as he can be without me having given birth to him. In fact, the only fly in the ointment about the carnival is that my nephew won't be there. He's away in college; I'll have to wait until Thanksgiving to see him, but I'll get to see his mom tomorrow!
This is only the second Halloween carnival we've been to since Sis's been working at this school.
We went to another one about two years ago, and it was a blast. My nephew was there then, and Sis was working the book fair. The book fair was kind of a fair within a fair. It was located in one of the portable classrooms on campus. We weren't involved in the actual carnival activities, but we could see everything that was going on, and we were right by the dj booth, so we really heard the music!
I'll never forget one of the things I saw at that carnival. It was a little girl, about 6, dressed in a Little Mermaid costume. She couldn't dance worth a lick, but that didn't stop her from sashaying over to the dj booth and "dancing" her little heart out. Her tail fin was flip flopping all over the place. It was the cutest thing! I remember thinking how liberating it must be to just have fun, with absolutely no concern about what other people thought. That little girl was totally caught up in the sheer joy of the moment, her moment, and she let her fins fly! I can only wish I had that kind of freedom from self-consciousness. I believe I'd be a much happier human being.
Anyway, I can't wait to go to the carnival. There probably won't be another mermaid show, but that's ok. I'll be with Sis--she's in charge of the cake walk this year--and that's joy enough.
Don't forget to turn your clocks back Sunday! Happy Halloween!
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