Tuesday, December 11, 2007

A Message To The Troops

Some of you may already know about this, but here's a link where you can send a message to our troops this Christmas: http://www4.army.mil/ocpa/tooursoldiers/post.php. The Post Office won't deliver mail addressed to "any soldier" because of fears of mail related terrorism and of soldiers getting derogatory messges from anti-war activists. So if you want to tell our troops how much you appreciate them click on the above link and pour your heart out. I did.


GrEaT sAtAn'S gIrLfRiEnD said...

Hey! Thanks for sharing that link. I'm with you - these guys and girls put their life on hold - freely - to deploy overseas and incinerate our enemies. They truly embody the concept of service to something larger than self.

WomanHonorThyself said...

perfect hun!..God bless em all!

Seane-Anna said...

"...incinerate our enemies..." Great way with words GSG! And would both you and Angel of WHT please spread the word about the link? Thanks!

Paul Champagne said...

Thanks for the link

What a shame that it has come to the point where the post office can not deliver mail for fear of terrorist attacks. I remember looking foward to the "To any soldier" letters during Desert Storm. Especially the ones from the kids.

Tapline said...

PGZ, Hello, well, I got here....Good read.....stay well...

WomanHonorThyself said...

hey hun..the comments are my last post got accidentally deleted..lol.yikes..you can re-post hun if u like!.:)

RevJim said...

Thank you for posting the link and for actively supporting our troops.
I just got here by way of Will To Exist, and I wanted to let you know that not all Libertarians support Ron Paul, or his attitude toward the war. There are probably an equal number of us on either side.
I've looked your site over, and I like it. Adding you to my links list.