Thursday, December 08, 2005


Well, I'm home today, at least for a while. We got an artic blast in this part of Texas yesterday, and it's continuing today and on through tomorrow morning. Most schools are closed, but the day care center I'm now working at is open. However, my car was really acting funny while I was letting it warm up, so I decided not to chance driving it to work. I wasn't scared of icy roads. I can see the street from my back door, and cars are zipping by pretty good. Besides, the streets were suprisingly dry when I drove home yesterday even though we got a good dusting of sleet/freezing rain. I chose not to go to work because I don't have any money to pay for a tow truck if my car breaks down. I called my assistant director, and she said there weren't a lot of kids any way, so I should stay home and if I'm needed, she'll come pick me up. So now I'm in limbo. I seriously doubt if I get called in to work but you never know.

I don't understand why the center chose to be open today anyway. It was certain yesterday that most, if not all, schools would close. Most parents would opt to stay home with their kids. They're not stupid. Why take your child to day care when the schools have decided the roads are too hazardous to have class? I wouldn't risk it even if the schools were open. Like I said, the roads I take to work were pretty clear yesterday and appear to still be so today. But I don't know about all the side streets. Residential streets aren't top priority for the sanding trucks. But even if those roads are clear you have the bridges and overpasses to deal with. If I had to cross a bridge and/or overpass to get my kid to day care on a day like today, I wouldn't do it. I believe in what my brother's captain told him, like your job, love your family. If you end up wrapped around a telephone pole, you're not doing your family any good. And your boss won't declare you a hero and rush to pay all your medical and car repair bills. You probably won't even have a job when you get out of the hospital. Still, there are always those people who think that they just HAVE to go to work. Well, I'm not one of them. They can have the icy streets and freezing winds. Me, I'm going to have a cup of hot chocolate. Hmmmmm!


Anon said...

Do you think universal free healthcare would be a bad idea?

Anon said...

I hope whoever is posting nasty and insulting things on this site (Jack in the box). As far as I am concerned, when you're on someone's webpage you are metaphorically in their house, if somebody invited you into their house would you insult them? It's rude. Debate people on the issues and cut the bullying out (Jack in the box) it's pathetic.