Sunday, February 15, 2009


I was watching Mike Huckabee's show tonight and he was lamenting the fact that the Big O's "stimulus" bill was so long that no one who voted for it had time to read it. In fact, they didn't even have time to give it a proper name. So Huckabee, not wanting the Obama administration to look bad, kindly decided to give an apt moniker to the Anointed One's economic "recovery" plan: Congressional Relief Action Program, or CRAP. Quite befitting, don't cha think?


Skunkfeathers said...

Huckabee has this one dead-on. And it's only the beginning from this administration. Get ready for nothing but four years of CRAP. CRAP I, CRAP II, CRAP III...

WomanHonorThyself said...

I like your name better girl!

Roadhouse said...

Huckabee has finally found his niche. Too bad he didn't find it back in 2007.

JMK said...

Here's the bottom-line - Reagan took over an economy in far worse shape (double digit unemployment and inflation rates, a 21.5% prime rate and a staggering 22 Misery Index) than the one Obama's inherited (a 7.5% unemployment rate, a -0.1% inflation rate, a prime rate around 2% and a 7.4 Misery Index) and turned the economy around WITHIN ONE YEAR!

The Misery Index went down every year of Reagan's tenure until it reached single digits and stayed there the rest of his tenure!

Should the economy worsen under Obama in 2009 (and it should with this stinkburger) and worsens still in 2010 (again, more likely than not), he will be a failure compared to Reagan.

2010 could well issue in a Gingrichian turnover in Congress...we just NEED another Gingrich.