Thursday, February 03, 2011

Where's Ben Jealous On This One?

If anyone wants to know where the real racism is in America, take a look at the video below. It'll shock you.

In case you didn't figure it out, these pleasant people are leftist radicals, the folks who're always angrily accusing conservatives of being racists. Here are White people calling for a Black man to be sent back to the fields, to be mutilated, to be strung up, to be hung. Where's Ben Jealous on this one? Why isn't he demanding that the Left expell these bigots from its ranks? Why the silence? If rhetoric half this hateful was merely whispered at a Tea Party rally Mr. Jealous and his leftists friends would've been all over it. White radicals, though, can spew rabid malice against a Black man without the liberal minority protectors batting an eye. Talk about things that make you go, hmmmmmm.


WomanHonorThyself said...

oish what tools girl eh!

but hey..hugs and TGIF!!:)

Anonymous said...

These are things that come from every race in the world....and from all of them it's despicable. I can't abide with people like these, and if I was there I would tell that woman and thatman exactly that. Wouldn't do any good...but they are wrong. Before they speak, they need to find out what is really going on. Instead of spouting off and sounding stupid.

WomanHonorThyself said...

hey girly..thanks again for droppin by at WHT~!:)

Skunkfeathers said...

They're not called libtards for nothing ;)