Monday, July 12, 2010

Update On Me

Hello everyone! I'm so sorry I've been away for so long. I haven't been here because I've been dealing with the effects of my first round of chemo. In a word, it was AWFUL.

I had my first dose of chemotherapy on Wednesday, June 30; talk about the cure being worse than the disease! I didn't have any nausea or vomiting thanks to some anti-nausea medicine, but I had something worse: a paralyzing, frightening, CRUSHING fatigue. Actually, "fatigue" doesn't begin to describe it but it's the only word I can think of. I've never felt anything like it in my life. It was as if the chemo was a pharmaceutical vampire sucking every ounce of energy from my body. All I could do was sleep, but it wasn't a restful sleep. Do you know how miserable it is to sleep 15 hours and wake up as drained as when you laid down? That first round of chemo was so bad that I seriously considered not taking anymore, but then I started coming out of it.

Saturday night I stopped feeling the chemo draining my energy and started to feel a "normal" exhaustion. From then on I slooooooowly climbed back to normalcy, feeling well enough to go to work on Tuesday, July 5. I lasted only half a day but it was still a big step forward. Since then I've worked every day and gotten stronger and stronger. I've gotten back into the rhythm of normal life, except for blogging. I don't know why, but I've had no desire to blog since I had chemo. I hope it's not a sign of "chemo brain", a condition where the ability to concentrate and remember is impaired. And I hope my interest in my blogs will return SOON!

So that's what's been happening, sweet friends, and that's why I've been away. I'm here for tonight but don't know when I'll be back. Be prepared for my postings to stay irregular during my chemo treatments which will end in October. I'll post as my physical, emotional, and mental health allows. Please keep your prayers and good vibes coming my way; I will need them. I'll receive my second round of chemo this coming Wednesday. The nurses said the second time will be a little easier. I so hope they are right; another round of that oppressive fatigue will be unbearable.

Pray for me.


JMK said...

I hope all goes well for you Seane-Anna, sounds like a horrible ordeal.

Tom said...

My sister-in-law went through both chemo and radiation treatments for the better part of a year. She went through the exact same experiences as you for the better part of a year. That was twelve years ago, and she is still around with no sign of the cancer.

You will beat this disease, Seane-Anna, and it will be permanent. It will take time & energy with lots of faith & rest. Blog when you can, but if you can't, that's OK - we understand.

Peace and rest.

Seane-Anna said...

Hey JMK and Tom! Thanks for your kind words. You're right, Tom. Faith and rest will be the key to surviving this ordeal. I'm glad your sister-in-law is alive and well. You'll be able to say the same thing about me 12 years from now. I KNOW it!

Skunkfeathers said...

You'll endure! We'll be here!

Skunkfeathers said...

But one summer can swallow ;-)

Unknown said...

I pray that our Lord make your recovery swift and that He take and send a little of that suffering to those of us who deserve it, as a kick in the ass to get our lives on track.

Roadhouse said...

Keep on fighting! And part of that is to keep blogging. You'll beat this.