Thursday, July 29, 2010

The Few. The Proud. The Marines.

Hey friends! I'm not posting regularly right now due to my chemo treatments, but while on YouTube this morning I came across this great tribute to America's greatest fighting force and had to post it. I love all the armed forces, but my late uncle was a Marine and so the Corp has a special place in my heart. Anyway, here's the video. Hope you enjoy it!


Skunkfeathers said...

Semper Fi! And you hang tough!

WomanHonorThyself said...

HUGS!..feel good hun..I haven't forgotten you!

Roadhouse said...

My best friend since high school is a Master Gunnery Sgt. in the Marine Corps. He's had two tours in Iraq and was first on the scene in Indonesia.
I've been hangin' with him and his "co-workers" for more than two decades now. They are truly a special breed of people.

Anonymous said...

Wow, you kept telling me there were no posts that I hadn't seen, but this one I hadn't. Glad I came anyway. This is a great tribute, and I am glad you posted it. Keep up the great recovery my friend, Chemo isn't fun but it sure beats the alternative. Prayers from my house to yours are ongoing and continuous for your complete recovery. God Bless you.