Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Cancer Free!

Well, friends, I got the results of my lymph node biopsy I had Monday and I'm thrilled to report that I'm officially cancer free! YIPPEE!!!! My treatment isn't over, however. I'm still going to have a few rounds of chemo and then radiation to reduce the risk of recurrence, and that's alright. I'm willing to do what ever it takes to defeat this monster. And I thank all my blogging friends for your prayers and support. I truly believe that your positive energy played a part in helping me beat this thing. Y'all are GREAT!!!! And being cancer free is GREAT!!!!! Watch out all you libtards. SEANE-ANNA IS BACK!!!!


Skunkfeathers said...

Two thumbs up!!!

Seane-Anna said...

Thanks, Skunky!

Anonymous said...

YAHHHHHOOOOOOOOO. Oboy.....our prayers have paid off. That is fantastic news my friend. I am a happy person tonight because of it. God has blessed you so you can carry on the work against the Godless Liberals.

Tom said...

Great News!!

And thanks for stopping by.

Tapline said...

Thanks be to God....I hadn't read this before.....Keep up the good fight.....God Bless

JMK said...

Can't believe I missed this....words can't express how glad I am to hear that you got the best possible news (the "best news period" is never dealing with this).

I'll keep you in my prayers that you remain cancer free. I've known too many people who've had bad outcomes.

God bless.