Monday, June 07, 2010

Tribute To The Troops

This is my late D-Day and Memorial Day post. Sorry I didn't post anything on those actual days. I've had my mind on other things and yesterday when I finally got online in the evening Blogger was down. So I'm posting my ode to our gallant fighting men today. It's a song I wrote back in '07 and first posted on Sinistra's Bane--then PoorGrrl Zone--on February 20 of that year. The song is called "Hail Us Now Our Great Defenders!". It's sung to Beethoven's "Ode to Joy". Enjoy and honor the troops!

"Hail Us Now Our Great Defenders!"
(sung to Beethoven's "Ode to Joy")

by Seane-Anna

Hail us now our great Defenders!
Soldiers bold and soldiers strong!
Fighting with a fearsome splendor
'gainst the foes of Freedom's song!

Gun and tank and bomb and rifle
evil enemies do slay,
in the hands of our brave warriors
pledged to keep us free and safe.

Hail us now our great Defenders!
Guarding Freedom's Home with steel,
like the Lord of Hosts above us
saving with His righteous shield!

Strength and courage are their armor
and them both they proudly wear.
Knowing well the holy nature
of the Cause they chose to bear.

Hail us now our great Defenders!
Like the Spartans, we admire!
Standing firm and never falt'ring
'fore the awesome Gates of Fire!

Long and hard, with grit they struggle
for our precious Land to save.
We, their sons in spirit honor
those who fullest measure gave.

This song popped into my head almost fully formed when I was putting my day care babies to sleep. "Ode to Joy" was playing as the nap time music and the words just came to me. I'm rather proud of my little ode to the troops and I thought it was time to bring it out again. Hope you enjoyed it!

God bless America!
God bless our troops!


Skunkfeathers said...

Two thumbs up ;-)

Anonymous said...

Sorry that I got here so long after your post, but I was moved. This is a great post, and a great song. I am sure that the troops, if they see this would enjoy it too.