Tuesday, January 29, 2008

McCain Wins Florida

Senator John McCain has won the Republican Florida primary and the endorsement of Rudy Giuliani who left the presidential race after coming in a distant third in the Sunshine state. I hope McCain's victory will bring unity and focus to Republicans who have been splintered this entire election cycle. As he emerges as the front runner those GOP voters who're sceptical of some of McCain's views should rally around him nonetheless for the good of the party and the country. Otherwise the Democrats will when the White House and impose their severly left-wing agenda on our society. Allowing that to happen in the name of ideological purity would be unforgivable. If McCain continues to lead the pack after Super Tuesday he should become the candidate for all Republicans. He needs us all to ensure a Republican presidency, which will be the best thing for America.


WomanHonorThyself said...

bad news hun..Mclame is a sell out..sigh

Seane-Anna said...

But what's the alternative, Angel?

JMK said...

McCain's been part of some bad legislation McCain-Feingold and McCain-Kennedy being the worst, BUT he is indeed better than the alternatives (Hillary and Barack).

I think Hillary would be easier for a Republican to run against - HIGH NEGATIVES, she'll galvanize Conservatives to vote and she'd struggle to get to the 50% mark, making ANY national election with her, almost certainly close.

I think Obama is a real wild card. He's telegenic, attractive, he sounds great saying nothing and making vapid, empty promises, he's almost the "perfect politician."

If Obama wins the Dem Primary, I really think he'll be tough, despite his ultra-Liberal voting record, which includes a vote, when in the Illinois State Senat barring homeowners from using a gun to protect their homes!

I have a ton of problems with Obama's politics, but he IS a very effective politician.

Tapline said...

Poor Girl,,,the only problem with McCain is that he is a Democrat, strong on defense, that's it.....He is for open borders and changing our english to spanish In fact he has some of his adds posted in Spanish. Can they still vote if they can't read or write English???? just talking .....stay well......

Seane-Anna said...

Tap, I'll ask you the same question I asked Angel: what's the alternative?

Ottavio (Otto) Marasco said...

Republicans must now coalesce for a candidate. McCain has split Republicans and conservatives alike particularly at the elite level. But he may be the only choice soon…. As you know I am not American but if I were, he would be my choice anyway…To highlight why let us just say that the likes of William Kristol (son of Irving Kristol, whom some say is the father of Neo-conservatism) really digs him and that McCain’s is poised to uphold neoconservative power in Washington if he gains the presidency...

heidianne jackson said...

the alternative, seane-anna, is to revolt. don't vote for mccain - write in mickey mouse if feel like - and don't vote for the other dem on the ticket either. otto, you know i love you, but you are dead wrong in thinking that putting another neoconservative in the whitehouse is a good idea.

the result to this country with mccain will be nearly the same as the result with a registered dem in charge. the difference will be that IF that person wears the elephant mask, the die will not only be cast, the mold will have been set.

there will NEVER again be a chance to put an ACTUAL republican in as potus. there IS a chance that we'd be able to launch a new conservative party, but that party wouldn't have any chance of winning an election because of how much control the media has over the whole process.

i will vote, but i will NOT vote for mccain or any other democrat. then i will work very hard to get actual conservatives elected to congress until the next presidential election.

maybe by then the people of the country will be ready to put a grownup in the position. but i know this: if mccain gets elected, that won't even be an option the next time around.

RevJim said...

I personally would rather see McCain than Hillary or Obama, for the same reasons you posted--their agendas ate way too liberal. I just hate the kind of choice where instead of voting for the best choice for the office, we wind up voting for the lesser of two evils. This is shaping up to look way too much like the 1976 elections.