Hi friends! It's been a while just like I said it would, but I've got some time on my lunch break to post so here goes!
It seems I've heard nothing since I've been offline but all the news about Muslims rioting over some amateurish cartoons about Muhammad. This makes me sick. Muslims apparently feel the cartoons are disrespectful to Muhammad in particular and Islam in general, yet do they really think they're going to encourage respect for their religion and prophet by going nuts over some cartoons? And shouldn't the respect go both ways?
"Respect us! Respect our prophet!" Muslims demand without showing the slightest inclination to respect the West and its values, chief among which is freedom of expression. In a free society you're going to hear and see things you don't like, things that offend you. The proper response is to counter the offending info with your own views and let the market place of ideas decide who wins. You don't go on rampages destroying property and killing people. Does Islam so corrode the brain that Muslims don't understand that?
Denmark is not a Muslim country. It's people are not a Muslim people, consequently it's naive at best and imperalistic at worst to expect them to act according to Islamic law/values. Muslims ought to be concerned with the behaviour of fellow Muslims. The terror attacks on 9/11, the beheading of civilian hostages in Iraq, the "honor" killing of rape victims, the suicide bombings of buses, hotels, and other civilian targets, and the utter silence of the Muslim world in the face of these atrocities bring far more dishonor on, and create more disrespect toward, Islam than any cartoon ever could. Think about that, Muslims.
Pompous, I HOPE your comment was facetious!
Hi, my name is Craig Malisow, and I'm a reporter with the Houston Press. I'm doing a story about cyberbegging and was wondering if you had time to talk. My e-mail is craig.malisow@houstonpress.com; or you can call at 713.280.2481.
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