Friday, June 06, 2014

The 6th of June

On this day, seventy years ago, the largest sea-based invasion in the history of the world took place as hundreds of thousands of American and other Allied troops stormed the beaches of Normandy to begin the liberation of Nazi-occupied Europe and the crushing defeat of Nazi Germany.

As the historic Allied landings began, President Franklin Roosevelt took to the airwaves to lead the American people in prayer for strength, courage, and final victory.  The prayer was delivered in a somewhat low key style yet is nevertheless stirring.  In the video above is the actual prayer Roosevelt offered up for American forces, the American people, "sister nations" and, of course, victory.  The prayer is a poignant reminder that, for those fighting WWII, the Allied victory was not a fore gone conclusion.  Thus, divine aid was fervently sought.

Sit down and give a listen to FDR's D-Day prayer, and as you do give thanks to the men who hit those beaches, especially the ones who remain there still, and thank God for His blessing on that herculean effort of good to conquer evil.

June 6, 1944, the day God allowed us to save the world.

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